In the midst of the Corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic conditions, MNC Peduli has again distributed aid in the form of 5,000 basic food packages to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) to be distributed to affected communities.
Today I distribute MNC Care assistance to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Let us work together to unite, because this is a common duty to protect each other and work well, because many of our brothers and sisters are still short on this opportunity, said the Executive Chairman of MNC Group, Hary Tanoesoedibjo at the TMPNU Convention Building, Kalibata, Jakarta, Monday (13/4/2020).
Our hope is of course resolved quickly because this affects all elements of society, especially the lower class, he said.
Previously, on Wednesday (01/04/2020), MNC Peduli also distributed masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), and ventilators worth IDR 5 billion through the COVID-19 Food Acceleration Task Force. Aid is also channeled directly through several hospitals.